Bismuth Explorer API

This explorer includes a public API returning various JSON results

The general format of a query is:

Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Notes
node diffget or diffgetjson Latest Bismuth block difficulty
node balanceget:bismuthaddress Balance of a Bismuth address
node balancegetjson:bismuthaddress Balance of a Bismuth address
node difflast Difficulty of the last block found
node difflastjson Difficulty of the last block found
node mpget Mempool of the explorer Bismuth node
node mpgetjson Mempool of the explorer Bismuth node
node blocklast Information about the last found block
node blocklastjson Information about the last found block
node addlistlim:bismuthaddress:number Last x transactions for a Bismuth address
node addlistlimjson:bismuthaddress:number Last x transactions for a Bismuth address
node listlim:number Last x Bismuth transactions
node listlimjson:number Last x Bismuth transactions
node aliasget:bismuthaddress Alias of a Bismuth address
node addfromalias:bismuthalias Bismuth address from a registered alias
node addvalidate:bismuthaddress Validate a Bismuth address
node peersget List of peers associated with the explorer node
node statusget Status of the explorer node
info coinsupply Gets the total number of Bismuth in circulation and the total supply
info circulating Gets the total number of Bismuth in circulation
info total Gets the total number of Bismuth
getall bismuthaddress

Gets a list of transactions against a Bismuth address (100 record limit)

Insert a: and a valid alias as an alternative

block Block number Gets information about a Bismuth block
txid Transaction ID

Gets the details for a Bismuth transaction id

Note: replace any forward slashes with a period or full stop

txidadd Transaction ID:From Address

Gets the details for a Bismuth transaction id but can be faster for older transactions.

Note: replace any forward slashes with a period or full stop

richlist Input a number or the word all Gets a list of top Bismuth wallets to the number specified (or all) sorted by wallet balance
miners Input a number or the word all Gets a list of the top Bismuth miners to the number specified (or all) sorted by blocks found
aminer Miner address

Gets more information about a specific Bismuth miner

Insert a: and a valid alias as an alternative

diffhist Input a number of blocks, greater than 10 Gets the difficulty history for a specific number of previous blocks